Func Runner Help

Getting Started

Func Runner applications are the quickest and easiest integration kind to get started. The integration is the same regardless of the language you choose to use.

Create an Integration

An integration is just a setup that defines how Func Runner sends function execution requests to the service providing the code for OpenAI assistants. Func Runner Applications are the simplest to set up, needing only an OpenAI API Key. After signing in, create an integration by navigating to the Create New Integration page.


After successfully creating an integration, you should be redirected to the integration show page. On this page you will see some basic information about your assistant, a playground launcher and an API key management tool.


Generate an API key

You will need to configure your Func Runner application with an API key in order to communicate with the Func Runner proxy and queue services. To create an API key press the 'Generate API Key' button and copy the 'API Secret Key'.

You will only ever be able to see the 'API Secret Key' once. After navigating away from the page, you will not be able to retrieve a previously generated secret key. In the event you lose a key simply revoke the previous key and generate a new one.

Last modified: 17 December 2024